Sulla Via del Catai - Nr. 23, Novembre 2020 |
STORIA DEI MEDIA IN CINA DALLE POLITICHE DI APERTURA AI PIU' RECENTI SVILUPPI Sfoglia le prime pagine INDEX INTRODUZIONE NEGRO, Gianluigi - Università degli Studi di Siena STORIA DEI MEDIA IN CINA dalle politiche di apertura ai più recenti sviluppi pag.11 HISTORY OF MEDIA IN CHINA from opening policies to the most recent developments Read CASCHERA, Martina - Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti - Pescara VALICANDO OGNI CONFINE L’animazione (trans)nazionale cinese e “Le storie di Effendi 阿凡提的故事” pag.19 CROSSING EVERY BORDER Chinese (trans)national animation and "The stories of Effendi 阿凡提 的 故事" Abstract: This contribution examines how nationalism was envisioned through Chinese animation during the first decade of the Reform Era (1978-1988). The first section compares the “first” (1950- early 1960s) and the “second golden age” (late 1970s-1980s) of Chinese national animation. The second and third sections introduce the peculiarities of puppet animation, the work of the animator Jin Xi, and the tv series The Stories of Effendi. This series is presented as an expression of multifaceted concept of nationalism. Read LUPANO, Emma - Università degli Studi di Cagliari RACCONTARE LO SPORT NELLA CINA DELLE RIFORME Modelli mediatici a confronto pag. 41 SPORT TELLING IN THE CHINA OF REFORMS comparing Media models Abstract: Among the many characteristics that are unique to the media and the media system of the People’s Republic of China, this study investigates the connections between the management model of Chinese newspapers and their editorial line. After discussing the categories that Chinese media practitioners and international scholars use to distinguish different management models, the contribution sketches the historical evolution of a growingly relevant sector, the Chinese sport press. It then builds a case study aimed at comparing the development models and editorial realisations of two influential sport papers. Read COSTANTINO, Mariagrazia - Università degli Studi di Catania POLVERE DI STELLE Il cinema cinese nella sua trasformazione da oggetto a soggetto pag.63 STARDUST Chinese movie in its transformation from object to subject Abstract: The evolution of Chinese cinema from an eminently ‘cultural’ phenomenon linked to a few names and titles to an articulated and extremely profitable industry. In a time when China is accused of implementing policies of ‘conquer’ through a more or less veiled use of the nationalist propaganda, a reasoned analysis of its cinema in the last forty years, also in light of the great instability occurred with the ongoing pandemic, appears of paramount importance. Read ZAPPONE, Tanina - Università degli Studi di Torino RACCONTARE BENE LE STORIE DALLA CINA L’evoluzione della propaganda esterna e i media cinesi tra continuità e cambiamento pag.87 TELLING STORIES FROM CHINA PROPERLY The evolution of external propaganda and the Chinese media between continuity and change Abstract: The paper proposes a re-reading of the diachronic evolution of PRC’s external propaganda from 1949 to nowadays, aimed at identifying factors of continuity and change through the years. By referring to international television broadcasting as a case study, the analysis reveals the impact that some external elements of discontinuity – sometimes less-known or underestimated – might have had on the conceptualization of external propaganda by China’s leadership and on the consequent reconfiguration of PRC’s media abroad. Read TARANTINO, Matteo e GIOVANNINI, Stefano - Università Cattolica di Milano FREE AND OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE IN CHINA Towards a sinicization of foss local spaces pag.103 SOFTWARE GRATUITO E OPEN-SOURCE IN CINA Verso una sinicizzazione degli spazi foss locali Abstract: Chinese Free and Open-Source Software has become a structural component of the Chinese Internet in recent years. Despite FOSS’s cultural importance as a value-laden IT practice, the topic has received little attention from the social sciences. This article contributes to filling this gap by using as a lens a local association of FOSS enthusiasts located in one major Chinese city, c. 10 years after the 1st observation (Tarantino 2011), focusing on FOSS practitioners’ imaginaries and motivations. Read NEGRO, Gianluigi - Università degli Studi di Siena UNO SGUARDO ALL’EVOLUZIONE DELLE PIATTAFORME ONLINE CINESI pag.121 A LOOK AT THE EVOLUTION OF CHINESE ONLINE PLATFORMS Abstract: The present contribution provides a diachronic perspective on the last 15 years of online platforms in China analysing the success and the evolution of four platforms that are: Youku, Tudou, iQiyi and Kuaishou. The experience of the Chinese platforms shows how cultural dynamics, economic and linguistic policies contributed to create a peculiar online environment in China and how they should be considered within the theoretical framework of “platform studies”. Read DE GIORGI, Laura - Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia DA VOCE DEL PARTITO A ELETTRODOMESTICO SENTIMENTALE? Radiofonia e società da Mao a oggi pag.145 FROM VOICE OF THE PARTY TO SENTIMENTAL APPLIANCE? Radio and society from Mao to nowadays Review of: Wei Lei, Radio and Social Transformation in China, Routledge Contemporary China Series, New York - London, Routledge, 2019 *NOTA Articoli in inglese, traduzione italiana disponibile su richiesta |