Sulla Via del Catai - Nr. 29, Novembre 2023 |
IL RITORNO dei GESUITI a SHANGHAI (1842-1949) Sfoglia le prime pagine INDEX INTRODUZIONE pag. 7 GIUNIPERO, Elisa - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano GIUNIPERO, Elisa - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano I GESUITI ITALIANI A SHANGHAI ALLA METÀ DEL XIX SECOLO pag. 13 The Italian Jesuits in Shanghai in the mid-nineteenth century Abstract: Within the general framework of the Jesuits’ return to Shanghai and Jiangnan, this article deals with the role of some Italian missionary figures who worked there in the central decades of the 19th century, such as the five Massa brothers. It focuses in particular on their specific cultural and social contribution. Italian religious generally showed little adherence to the nation-state of origin, due to a history of which the late arrival at political-institutional unification was an essential feature. The Italian Jesuits were often close to the local populations, committed to the study of the Chinese language and to elaborating new cultural proposals that were interesting because they were ‘modern’. Read DE CARO, Antonio - Università di Zurigo IL SOGNO DELL’INDIPETA ROSSA. AGOSTINO MASSA, GABRIELE VIGLIANTE, NICOLA MIOZZI E LA LORO LITTERA INDIPETA IN CINESE pag. 39 The dream of the red indipeta. Agostino Massa, Gabriele Vigliante, Nicola Miozzi and their independent literature in Chinese Abstract: On April 4, 1839, three young Italian Jesuit novices - Agostino Massa, Nicola Maria Miozzi and Gabriele Vigilante - sent a very unusual littera indipeta to Father Jan Philipp Roothaan, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. The peculiarity of this beautifully preserved littera with black characters on a vivid red background is that it was written in Chinese. Although Fr. Roothan was very likely unable to read Chinese, this letter was probably meant to stupefy him and, hopefully, convince him to let the three young novices join the newly re-established Jesuit missions in China. This indipeta sinica provides also further important details on the training of the three novices. In fact, the three young Italians had been supported by a Chinese Catholic priest, Fr. Agostino Tang, who had trained them in both written and spoken Chinese during their studies in Naples. Sadly, only one among them, Agostino Massa, was able to reach the Jesuit mission in Shanghai. This article engages with the historical context of the writing of the indipeta, providing a concise biographical account on the three novices. The article aims at providing a preliminary work on this precious document preserved at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu that will deserve further detailed studies. Read CLARKE, Jeremy - Esperto di storia del cristianesimo in Cina THE CHINESE JESUITS’ ROLE IN THE ART WORKSHOPS OF TUSHANWAN pag. 63 Il ruolo dei gesuiti cinesi nei laboratori artistici di Tushanwan Abstract: Tushanwan, nei pressi di Xujiahui, è il luogo in cui, nel 1864, sorse uno degli orfanotrofi dei missionari gesuiti nel Jiangnan e divenne famoso per i laboratori artistici che vi si svilupparono nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento. Il presente articolo è dedicato al rilevante e poco noto contributo di due gesuiti cinesi, Lu Bodu (1836-1880) e Liu Bizhen (1843-1912), alla crescita di questa scuola d’arte che ebbe una notevole influenza su celebri artisti cinesi. Per decenni Lu e Liu insegnarono e lavorarono soprattutto alla trasmissione delle tecniche della pittura a olio, diffuse in Cina proprio grazie all’atelier di Tushanwan. Read DE GRUTTOLA, Raissa - Università di Venezia Cà Foscari LI WENYU, I GESUITI CINESI E LE TRADUZIONI DEL NUOVO TESTAMENTO pag. 83 Li Wenyu, the Chinese Jesuits and the translations of the new testament Abstract: Among many important European missionaries, some Chinese Jesuits also played a relevant role in the new mission established in Shanghai in 1842. Li Wenyu 李問漁 (1840-1911) entered the Society in 1862 and became a priest in 1872. He received both a Confucian traditional education and a Western Catholic education, becoming proficient in Latin and French languages. In those years, new attention was being given to the publication of periodicals, and Li eventually became the first Chinese editor of a Chinese newspaper: the Yiwen lu 益聞錄 which he established in 1878. The periodical was addressed to non-Christian Chinese people and aimed at spreading general news. Li was also chief editor of the Shengxin bao 聖心報 where he addressed Chinese unlearned Catholics, presenting specific notions on Christianity. The focus of this paper is to analyse the activity of the Chinese Jesuit Li Wenyu and present the features of another important work by him: the publication of the first volume of the Catholic Bible in the Chinese language. It was the Zongtu dashi lu 宗徒大事录 (Acts of the Apostles) printed in 1887 and followed by the publication of the Gospels in 1897. The biblical texts were translated from the Latin Vulgate into literary Chinese and represent an important element in the complex scenery of the Catholic translation of the Bible. Read FENG Lisi - Università Nankai (Tianjin) XIE Sijie - Università Sun Yat-sen (Canton) I GESUITI DI SHANGHAI E MA XIANGBO: RELAZIONI E CONFLITTI CULTURALI pag. 109 The Jesuits of Shanghai and Ma Xiangbo: Cultural relations and conflicts Abstract: Ma Xiangbo’s life was associated with both Chinese and European culture, and it is difficult to say which of the two he was closer to. Current research on Ma focuses on his life, his writings and his contributions to the education and localisation of Catholicism. The subject of his cultural conflict with the French Jesuits in Shanghai has rarely been explored. The purpose of this article is to look from this perspective at the interaction between his Chinese cultural roots and his knowledge of European culture. As a unique Chinese intellectual elite, he sought to fuse Chinese traditions with Western knowledge, culture and religion in order to find a way to modernise China. As a result of this approach, he came into conflict with the French Jesuits and left the Society, but this did not affect his patriotism and religious convictions. There is no doubt that Ma Xiangbo played a central role in the modernisation of China and the localisation of Catholicism. Read VERMANDER, Benoit S.J. - Fudan University THE JESUITS IN JIANGNAN (1842-1949): A NETWORKED ENDEAVOR pag. 129 I gesuiti a Jiangnan (1842-1949): un'impresa in rete Abstract: Padre Robert Jacquinot de Besange (1878–1946), l’ideatore della Safe Zone che porta il suo nome, salvò decine di migliaia di civili durante l’occupazione giapponese di Shanghai, eppure è stato spesso descritto come un uomo solitario. Tuttavia, un più attento esame mostra che le sue iniziative furono possibili soltanto grazie a un’ampia rete di contatti, basata sulle connessioni stabilite dai gesuiti nella regione del Jiangnan. Jacquinot è perciò esemplificativo di come i successi della missione dei gesuiti a Shanghai si fondassero sulle loro reti di relazioni. L’articolo delinea gli intrecci tra istituzioni, clan e figure che hanno contribuito a inserire la Compagnia di Gesù nella fiorente società civile di Shanghai dagli anni Sessanta del XIX secolo al 1949. Read |