Sulla Via del Catai - Nr. 21, Novembre 2019 |
IL CORPO DELLA CINA: SPORT, POLITICA E IDENTITÀ Sfoglia le prime pagine INDEX INTRODUZIONE LUPANO, Emma - Università degli Studi di Cagliari SPORT, POLITICA E IDENTITÀ NAZIONALE pag.19 Sport, politics and national identity Read LAVAGNINO, Alessandra C. - Direttore Istituto Confucio - Università degli Studi di Milano SPORT È SOLO YUNDONG 运动 (MOVIMENTO)? YUNDONG (MOVIMENTO) pag.27 È SOLO SPORT? INCONTRI TRA PAROLE E CULTURE Is Sport Only Yundong 运动 (Movement)? Is Yundong (Movement) Just Sport? Encounters between words and cultures Abstract: The bisyllable word yundong 运动 is the Chinese term that commonly translates as ‘sport’. Together with the related semantic area, it covers conceptual fields that are very different from the idea of individual pleasure and delight which is rooted in the etymology and meaning of the term ‘sport’ in Western languages. Through examples and citations from various sources, this article highlights how numerous sociolinguistic practices of the Maoist past still remain in use in the paradigm of expressions related to sport in today’s Chinese lexicon. Read BERTULESSI, Chiara - Università degli Studi di Milano SPORT E LESSICOGRAFIA NELLA REPUBBLICA POPOLARE CINESE: ANALISI DI UN CORPUS DI DIZIONARI CINESI DEDICATI AL LESSICO SPORTIVO pag.45 Sport and lexicography in the People's Republic of China: analysis of a corpus of Chinese dictionaries dedicated to sport lexicon. Abstract: This paper presents a preliminary research on Chinese sport lexicography, analysing the general trends and typological features of a corpus of Chinese specialised sport dictionaries, selected by conducting bibliographic searches on the online catalogue of the National Library of China. The data is also analysed with reference to the context in which the dictionaries were com- piled, attempting to investigate the relationship between the political and ideological significance of sport and the production of sport dictionaries in the PRC. Read MOTTURA, Bettina - Università degli Studi di Milano LO SPORT E L’INDUSTRIA CULTURALE IN CINA pag.63 Sport and cultural industry in China Abstract: Sport in China in the last decades has been identified as a crucial sector of national cultural industries, defined as pillars of national cohesion and strength in terms of wealth production, political values transmission and social order reproduction. Drawing from main sources in Chinese political discourse since 2000, the paper will focus on the Chinese definition of “cultural industry” and discuss to what extent sport industry fits in the basic characteristics of the concept. Read NEGRO, Gianluigi - Università degli Studi di Siena CENNI STORICI SULLO SVILUPPO DEL CALCIO CINESE. IL CASO ITALIANO pag. 81 Historical notes on the development of Chinese football. The Italian case study Abstract: Based on the analysis of policy papers and media coverage, this article on the historical evolution of Chinese soccer has a triple aim. First, it identifies some constitutive choices that supported the creation of a professional soccer system in China. Second, it analyses the political strategies to promote the Chinese football both domestically and internationally. Third, it provides a case study on the role of Italian soccer in relation to the growth of the Chinese football system. RIVA, Natalia - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore NATURALIZZAZIONE O ASSIMILAZIONE? QUANDO IN NAZIONALE GIOCANO GLI ‘EX STRANIERI’ pag. 99 Naturalization or assimilation? When 'former foreigners' play in the national team Abstract: The realization of China’s football dream falls within the theoretical framework of soft power enhancement and relies in practice on the effectiveness of the cultural industry’s development strategy. This paper adopts this perspective in order to introduce one of the most recent attempts put forward by the Chinese authorities to accelerate the reform and development of football and improve the performance of the Chinese national team: the naturalization of foreign players and their successive call-up to Team China. Read PUPPIN, Giovanna - University of Leicester (UK) I VOLTI DI YAO MING IN PUBBLICITÀ: pag.117 IDENTITÀ (TRANS)NAZIONALE DEL TESTIMONIAL SULLE DUE SPONDE DEL PACIFICO The faces of Yao Ming in advertising: (trans) national identity of the testimonial on the two shores of the Pacific Abstract: This article examines the dynamics between Chinese sport celebrities and (trans)national identity, by taking Yao Ming as a case study. After reviewing Yao’s sport career and status of global icon, it focuses on his role as a testimoni- al in commercial advertising campaigns launched in the United States and/or China. The semiotic analysis illustrates that Yao’s basketball skills combined with his exemplary personality traits rendered him an extremely flexible and effective testimonial between the two shores of the Pacific. Read LUPANO, Emma - Università degli Studi di Cagliari LO ‘SPIRITO DELLA PALLAVOLO FEMMINILE’ E I 70 ANNI DELLA REPUBBLICA POPOLARE CINESE pag.137 The 'spirit of women's volleyball' and the 70 years of the People's Republic of China Abstract: When the Chinese women’s volleyball team won the 2019 World cup, two days before the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, the expression ‘spirit of the women’s volleyball’ occupied the national public discourse, linking the success of the players to the glory of the nation. This contribution explores the history of the concept and its relevance in the news media and cultural realms, with the aim to develop a case study on the political use of sport in China. Read |